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Customer Intelligence Assessment Workshop

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Welcome to our Customer Intelligence Assessment Workshop!

In a world where data makes the difference between success and failure, understanding your customers is the ultimate superpower. Take the first step and assess your collective customer intelligence. Use six dimensions to capture your organizational wisdom.

During this remote workshop, we’ll establish your target audiences and assess your main customer group.

This workshop also uncovers potential knowledge gaps, raises your awareness of misconceptions, and lays the foundation for future benchmarking efforts.

Interesting fact: According to our analysis, without targeted customer discovery, biases and blind spots of providers of products and services are significant: 

  • up to 90% of customer decision factors are unknown,

  • up to 81% of assumptions of providers cannot be validated,

  • on average, only 30% of provider assumptions can be confirmed.

Workshop Focus

We dive deep into six critical dimensions, each revealing a facet of your customer's ability to making progress in life or business:

  • Jobs-to-Be-Done: The core tasks and goals your customers want to achieve. 
  • Pains and Gains: The emotional landscape—what keeps them up at night and what lights their fire.
  • Triggering Events: Pivotal moments that nudge them toward action.
  • Constraints: Limitations, hurdles, and roadblocks in their path to progress.
  • Solutions “Hired”: The tools, products, or services they enlist to conquer challenges.

During a hands-on workshop, we will create your body of knowledge in a visual format.

Who is it for?

Diverse teams, including but not limited to the following roles:

  • Product Managers and Innovation Managers.
  • Marketing Managers, Customer Success Managers, and Business Development Managers.
  • Customer Researchers and Customer Experience Managers.
  • Sales Managers and Channel Managers.

When should I take advantage of the workshop?

This workshop makes sense if you need to:

  • assess your customer knowledge asset.
  • identify suspected knowledge gaps.
  • find areas of misalignment and biases.
  • set a benchmark for customer discovery projects.
  • prepare data for an interviewee profiling workshop.

What will we get?

  • 4 hours workshop for up to 6 team members
  • Structured Mural board
  • Presentation slides (PDF)

What will we learn?

Acquire a common language to describe your target audience's ability to progress, along with five other dimensions determining their satisfaction and velocity:

  • Jobs to Be Done (JTBDs) and
  • contextual factors.

Syllabus and Scheduling

Interactive and hands-on work guarantee you a practical approach.

Module 1 - Foundation (1 h)

  • JTBD essentials
  • The cycle of progress
  • 12 elements of customer progress

Module 2 - Documenting the body of knowledge (3 h)

  • Structured and visualized capturing of the team's knowledge items.

Please contact us to check our availability and find a suitable date. EMEA: all day, Americas: morning, APAC: late afternoon

Are there additional education offerings after the workshop?

This workshop is the first step in our Customer Progress Design® series. Participants will have the opportunity to advance their skills in sessions, covering topics such as customer interviewing, synthesizing interview data, prioritizing customer jobs, ideating strategies, and managing projects. Stay tuned for more advanced workshops that will further elevate your expertise.

Visit unipro-solutions.com for more information.

Who is the workshop moderator?

Eckhart Boehme has 30+ years global experience in marketing, product management, and skills development. Eckhart, a 18+ year Microsoft veteran, served in his last role as the Curriculum Architect for the Marketing Excellence team at Microsoft Corporation (Redmond). Today, he is the founder and managing director of strategy consulting firm unipro solutions and an internationally recognized Jobs to Be Done expert. Eckhart was the mastermind behind The Wheel of Progress® Canvas - a tool for structuring qualitative customer research.

He is also the developer of the Customer Progress Design® method. He was the subject matter expert to the German editions of the Jobs to Be Done "bible" Competing Against Luck by Clayton Christensen et. al. and Eric Ries' The Startup Way.  Eckhart has taught The Wheel of Progress classes at the Rhein-Main University of Applied Sciences, Wiesbaden Business School and Michigan State University.

See Eckhart's LinkedIn profile

What did customers say about our work?

This approach helped us to “feel” the customer’s pain, discover great new product ideas and reprioritize our existing ideas.

Ph.D Chairman and CEO GrandCare Health Services, LLC

The structured customer research process based on The Wheel of Progress accelerates the time to turn the input from customers into actionable insights to improve the customer journey.

Chief Experience Officer, Customer Centric Solutions LLC

Customer Progress Design allows the essential aspects of market research to be translated into a target-oriented and user-friendly concept. In addition, it ensures that the insights gained are used consistently and sensibly to align all levels of objectives of a customer-oriented company, from the mission to operational planning.

Professor for Marketing Management and Innovation at Wiesbaden Business School


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